If you are not familiar with the program - PLEASE consider designating us as your Kroger Plus charity so we can receive donations on your behalf. It is easy and doesn't cost you anything! Instructions below.
Would you like an easy/no cost way to help your furry friends at Kentucky Pets Alive ? Do you shop at Kroger and use their Kroger Plus Shopper's Card?
Now you can help the furry kids at Kentucky Pets Alive every time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus card through the Kroger Community Rewards Program. All you need to do is follow the step-by-step instructions below to register your card and... select your favorite charity YN842. Then every time you shop with your Kroger Plus card, Kroger will make a contribution to Kentucky Pets Alive! This money helps us help more animals!
It's a Win/Win as you save money,
Simply register online at krogercommunityrewards.com. You may also sign up at the Customer Service Counter at your local Kroger Store.
If you are an existing customer, click on Sign In. If you are new, click Register.
To designate us as your charity of choice so we will benefit from your purchases at Krogers enter our Non Profit Organization (NPO) Number, which is YN842 as your selected charity.
Thanks in advance for your support!